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Sol Degrieck

Sol Degrieck

Name: Sol Degrieck

Favourite spot: My favourite spot is the Fishfactory in Klitmoller. It’s high up north and cold, but when the spot works, it’s just heaven.

Regular spot: I mostly sail on the North Sea in Belgium and Pozo Izquierdo in Gran Canaria.

Weight: 54kgs.

Board & Sizes used: Severne Pyro 56l, and Severne Pyro 62l.

Sails used: Severne Redback.

Fins used: My favorite quad set-up is :

Incinerator Front fins 8cm and 10cm.

Incinerator Back fins 13.5cm and 14.5cm.

Tips on fin set up: On all my wave boards, I have quad set-up. As I am light, I am an early planer. Putting my front fins all the way to the back and the back fins all the way forward, gives me the comfort for bigger waves and radical rides. Loving it!

What do K4fins bring to the table for you? Last winter I spent a lot of time in Gran Canaria. Suddenly I ran out of fins. Somebody lent me a set of K4 fins. A new world opened. Now I can test and try different types of K4 fins, I refine my tuning and my sailing.

Sponsors: Severnewindsurfing, Brunottiwomen, Ensiswatersports, K4 Fins

Facebook: Sigridrondelez

Instagram: @soldegrieck






brunotti, ensis, severne, sol, team, youth
